Thursday, April 01, 2010

Oh darling, I confessed.

April Fool's Day.

Number one target: Bryan Tang Zheng Yi (BTZY)

I know it's a tough challenge but I'm persistent to fool him. Okay, here's how it goes...

Huiyi Lee: "Hello..."
BRYAN: "Yes."
Huiyi Lee: "I've got something to confess..."

*He was freaking cold to me I swear!*

Huiyi Lee: "Wha lao why so dao..."
BRYAN: "Haha. Before you confess anything. Happy April Fool's to you too."

*Totally -__- as expected but being the usual thick-skinned one, I choose to ignore those and attempted to proceed with the fooling.*

Huiyi Lee: "I think I like you."
BRYAN: (I forgot what he said here actually...)
Huiyi Lee: "I'm serious..."

*Conversation going absolutely nowhere I know.*

BRYAN: "When is the April Fool's part gonna end?"

*& so, I gave up.*

Huiyi Lee: "hahahahaha stupid."

Then normal conversation continues and he started calling me a Chao Ah Lian.
& oh so many conflicts.....

Btzy is my ex-friend. Period.

Till we meet again, bully.

I know my attempt is very lame & no kick (reason majorly due to wrong choice of 'victim'!). Hehehe but it's all for the fun!

So, who have you fooled today? :D

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