Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Pissed off.

Yes, extremely x infinity!
But this time, not to the extent that I can kill a whale. Haha, cause my loved ones can never fail to make me feel either guilty or happy again after pissing me off.

I was taking my 1hour nap after coming back from H2 Physics paper in school, woke up and mum came screaming at me.

"Why never refill the printer ink? Still ask me faster buy..."
Blah blah blah!

I just kept silent because seriously, there's nothing much to reply. Shan't waste my energy trying to fight for justice too. So I just gave her a glance and ignored her. Then we had our dinner, she was asking me what time do I have to go school tmr, so I told her the same. Started talking about have exams this week and Pa asked, "How's exams today?"

I replied, "Don't know."

Then mum started her engine by saying, "Everyday go out lah! Don't know go out for what..."

So I bth. I shouted back, "GO OUT IS TO STUDY RIGHT?! WHA LAO..."

Super pissed.

Yes, another one. Can't remember what Pa said, so I said, "So?"
& wth, she was like, "SO? STUDY SO ONLY."
Hahaha! Ok, I don't really understand this but kind of funny.

Aiya, but after dinner she gave me a Yakult, so she's forgiven. HAHAAH, as if it's her fault.
But you know... if you just wake up or something then people barked at you etc. Damn sian.

I realise I'm really singlish when it comes to complaining.

Ok, next.
Guarantee plus chop chop, I will get a U grade for H2 Physics. Seriously. -.-

Chem is another one.
I just hope I can pass maths. =/

Bye bye.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


Webcam with Kit Yee. Lol, multi-tasking.
Till then.

A quidnunc.

Well, I guess I just have to accept the fact that I'm returning back to school tomorrow. Very fast, indeed. I haven't really got to enjoy my holidays to the maximum actually. No wait, I didn't really enjoy lor, the days were spent fruitfully having fun with the books. Hahaha, sounds kind of wrong. I couldn't agree more to what Brandon blogged about. Whatever you've tried to do or mug this vacation, it's your best and no matter what comes may, you know you've tried your very best.

I'm seriously freaking out, after so long. I remembered vividly, the last time I felt like peeing on my pants was the O's results day. Or you know those kind like you feel like shitting when you're nervous/excited whether taking your results or sitting on a roller coaster? Lol.

Hmm, second autospy for MJ. Family members not happy with what they were told. =/

Till then.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


大家好,今天为何要在我的部落格使用华文? 原因很简单, 因为华文考试即将来临! 我相信和我一起同甘共苦的同学们看到这个文章一定会觉得,"这个慧怡啊,神经病!" 或是,"哎哟,不读了!"。大家在这个一个月的假期里,一定是温习了不少喔? 大家应该是在慌慌张张的把所有读到的,塞进已经快要爆,可怜的小脑袋吧? 无论是数学,化学,等,都了如指掌。 但,停下脚步反省一下下,华文呢?

我相信大多数的同学们,心里是这么想的。 "哎呀,华文不用读的啦! 最多不及格。" 本身记得在实乞纳中学,‘O’水准的一个月前, 大家都不得不紧张,急忙的把老师所说的记在脑海里。 我们都是很勤快的和华文老师学习。 看来自从到了公教初级学院, 同学们对于华文的热忱似乎有了改变。 我非常相信原因是在于学生们的思想或家庭背景。我就不在多说了。哈哈。

所以,因为华文考试快到了,我相信我应该多接触华文。而在我的部落格使用华文不但能让我本身接触华文,我的同班同学也能看一下,是时候临时抱佛脚了吧? 哈哈,开玩笑。

就在我打着,我能画面出BRANDON那么样的嘲笑我们。再来,JANE,你一定能考到好成绩的。 相信自己! (虽然自己也没什么把握。呵呵。。。) 对了,差点忘了祝CHANEL生日快乐!

哎哟,突然好压力因为想起SUZANNA 的部落格通常是用华文来写的。 哈哈。

总而言之,我希望大家读完这个文章后,能反省自己。 突然想起有一时,CHRIS 播了周杰伦的<借口>,哇! 不知多少人当场拒绝华文歌。就觉得有一点的失望,照照镜子, 自己也不是华人吗? 哈哈,不说了。 (也不知那些假洋人会读完这篇文章。)

The above passage is of no meaning to target anyone. Just some of my thoughts and maybe a new and interesting way to blog in future? Hahaha, but I admit, it was kind of tough to blog in Chinese. On a brighter note, as I mentioned in those paragraphs, it will actually sort of help me recap. So, why not? Lol.

If you're precise enough, you can see some of the sentences are like direct translation from how I normally blog in English. Oh well...

Perhaps, this may be a reflection for myself too! Haha.

CJ just sent me a letter regarding all those H1N1 issues and travel declaration form. -.- Troublesome, that is.

Oh my, it's already a Saturday. MYE is so soon, I'm starting to freak out. =/

Father's Day @ T3 Lerk Thai.
Good service btw!

Till then.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Chao Ah Gua!


Thursday, June 25, 2009

Underaged labour?

The Invite Comm went over to Cheng's to do our stuffs. She booked a function room for us and oh yar! Chris, Hui Sian and Sean came to help us too. Total awesome-ness~ Hahaha, Cheng also asked her maid to lend us a helping hand. =/ Hope she really enjoyed all the cutting.

Justin was so awed by the fountain.

Was trying out Justin's camera. Lol.

Settling down in the function room. Before that, the guys were so hyped up when they see the toliet and planned to direct a horror movie in the toliet. Being the excited one, I decided to join in the planning. Justin was the main director. He had so much idea coming in. (He made me blog about his directorship here.) You go blog it on your blog lah! Hahaha.

Random but nice(Hopefully) shots of Sean.


Then it was Chris. He doesn't like to take photos! =(



Now, it's Sean's turn.

O.M.G! I totally love this! AWESOME!


Hui Sian.


Just in case, I was doing work too ah. Hahaha!

He look like some murderer/rapist caught.

Classic face of his.

Hahaha, funny. Btw, he has a very cool and thunderous voice. Hahaa, there was once he laughed in those you know, "Muahahahaha..." Jaw-dropped. Oh, and he loves to do harmonising too.

Cheng and her big freaky eyes!
Cheng a.k.a the drawer finished her work already so being random, she drew this pair of scary eyes and the eye lashes are not even in the correct place! LOL!

Sean with the big freaky eyes.


Improvised with gold eyeliner. HAHA!

And the sexy lips with a mole beside it!

Ok, so continued with the rest of our work.

Wrote addresses on envelopes.

Our final product, ready to be delievered!

I have no idea why I was frowning.

Unfortunately, when we were all set and ready to film the horror movie, a security guard came into the gents and saw us(Girls). "This is the gents right?!" Oops, HAHA! Sigh, nevertheless we decided to try it out in school which is even scarier. During band camp, perhaps.

Hahaha, more photos on facebook plus the videos. One is on our discussion/planning of the horror movie and another one is my attempt to eat the Hello Panda biscuit with Sean throwing it into my pathetic mouth. Damn unglam, but should just go take a look. Lol! =D

Till then.

Monday, June 22, 2009


Photos. The videos are more interesting, so better watch it! =D

The first video we took.

Pls take notice of the part where Shermain said, "Look at Huiyi's drink" and immediately, there's another lower voice that repeated what Shermain said. Damn creepy! We were all freaking out at starbucks! Subsequently, our voices became so low. =/

Second video was with regards to the first. Starbucks @ One Fullerton = Haunted?

The webcam program is a bit cocked up, cannot hear our voice recording at the end.

The third one was when there's some error. The screen was blank so we were stunned etc.

Funny faces. You can fast forward some cocked up parts of the video. No audio is required. Lol.

The last one, youve gotta listen real carefully. Turn up your volume or something. Haha. The interesting one.

Shermain shouted "Fuck!" so loudly when she accidentally dropped my Green Tea Frapp which was awesome. Lol!
