Friday, March 30, 2007

Blogger's gone haywire, really!
First, people come complaining to me that they can't view my blog.
The moment they clicked on my link, it turned out to be a blank page.
Then, after I'd solved this troublesome problem, I realised I can't post. -.-
It's really stupid, isn't it? But anyway, everything is solved by now I guess.
Ok, I've been mugging my heads off all these while so pardon me for not blogging
regularly. For the past one week, schedule was really uptight I can say.
I&E presentation to the teachers on the student's perspective, band practices and lastly
our PFT which made everyone's muscles ache like hell including mine. Every now and then, I will be having difficulty sitting up from my bed in the morning. And the overloaded of hws
and tests made everyone of us even stress.




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