Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I was blog-hopping and chance upon this particular website. After reading archives and archives of posts, it made me realised I'm not the one that should feel the most guilty for enjoying retail therapy. Oh well...

Anyway, it has been such a long time since I blogged.
I've got nothing much to blog about, basically. Who wants to know how a typical teenager is doing in school? Screwing her papers?

Very sad, indeed.
Disappointed, extremely. I hate it when I'm like that, ain't Huiyi Lee.
I feel very slack-ish, very dumb, very asshole.

Suicidal. Ever thought of it before?
Me not emo. But ever thought of that. Just once.

My life ain't smooth going for now.
"Everything's going to be fine." I still do believe in that.

I need to do some serious reflection on what's wrong.
Sigh... life isn't always about studying right?

For these few days, I've been pondering about what I really want. My future, i.e. ambition.
I think most of my friends know I was initially planning to go for Engineering but now, I come to realise that that is not what I'm exactly interested in. I can't do 'A' Level Physics for nuts! Science, a slight tinge of interest more than Engineering but still...
Business course, I would be willing to undergo etc etc, but there is always a but.

I'm not musically inclined like most of those I know are. Nevertheless, music still remains as one of the top few ranking. I think I'll just remain at the stage of "I like music." but does not have the full ability to make music. If you get what I mean.

What I truly love and have passion for is Art though I'm not specifically trained in that aspect for the past years (Thanks to that wise decision of mine but nobody's to blame.). Photography, painting, sketching, graphics, moulding, colours etc.

Photoshop, photos of every single bit of life, portraits of people...
Travel around the world,
which coincides perfectly with my passion for art as I travel from place to place to capture stunning picturesques.

Something's holding me back.

Yes, that's my passion. Yes, that's what I love.

No, ain't a good choice for future. We need to earn big bucks. This industry is too small a scope in Singapore. Shall stick to being a banker (Random shoutout), no?

I seriously think that my parents won't agree to it. All along, they have always been supportive in what I do. Even if there's things they disagree, they tell me nicely and I'll follow suit. Initially, I was planning to go Poly but after much persuasion, JC it is. I took their advice but now I'm struggling. I sometimes blame myself for being not smart enough to do those physics questions.
Everyone's so smart. Now, I doubt my 12points. =/

Is it even too late to start driving towards my passion?

Man, this is so depressing that I should stop now.


P.S: Yet another post wasted on Reflections. I've just wasted your time. Sorry.

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