Friday, November 02, 2007

"I'm tired, seriously exhausted."

To be frank, sometimes I regretted being a Drum Majorette. There's so much things you need to handle, psychologically too. I envy the previous leaders who could handle their batch very well. I used them as my role model, am I not up to their expectations? Sigh, sometimes I find that I have a really different batch of bandmen to lead. & I don't understand what on Earth are they thinking seriously, maybe I don't know them well. "It's all my fault." like how most of them would greatly want me to say.

1 day to performance, too late to do anything. If the perf crop up, so be it. If I embarrass myself, so be it. If Mr Pan leaves us, I'll most prolly leave too. Mentally. Anyway, I'm really grateful for those invited players willing to spend their time for this performance. They are really wonderful people and I suppose the band members take them for granted. Yeah, it comes back to me again. My fault.

I just want SCB to do me a favour, simple one. We have to always stay united no matter what comes may. Although I scold and whack you guys but I meant good for you. I do feel bad after scolding you sometimes. & one thing to note, don't always say you're stressed or pressurized cause think about Ma'am Suzanna & I, we get double the stress you people get. Don't be selfish, think about the rest before yourself.

Tmr's performance, just do your very very best and get over it. Put up our band image to the public, don't let others look down on you. Prove them wrong, please.

SCB, we must get over the obstacle. Unity is what we need.

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