Saturday, November 25, 2006

Grad Nite06

The focus that day was all the sec4 graduates. Everybody was looking out for the best wear,
the prettiest babe, the most handsome guy, etc. I didn't have a chance to take their photo
as i had to do my duties and stuff. Anyway, i had fun though it's not my grad nite. Hahaha,
two more years! I can't even recognise some in their gown and make-up for the girls.
For the boys i had no problem. :)))) Oh yes, Ms Siglap06 was Yiting and Mr Siglap06 was
Nadia's bf. Yiting sure looked ppprrrreeeeettttyyy! :D Ok, i don't know what else to say.
Ellycia, is my blog rotting? Huh? ;)
Gonna post on the BBQ soon...

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