Saturday, November 11, 2006

My Results

EL- 66 (B3)
Chinese- 79 (A1)
Mathematics- 83 (A1)
Science- 72 (A2)
Geography- 73 (A2)
History- 69 (B3)
Literature- 75 (A1)
D&T- 82 (A1)
HE- 85 (A1)

Total: 684/900
Percentage: 76.0%
Results: Passed
Class position: 2/38
Level position: 2/109
Promotion status: Promoted to S3 Express

Conduct: Very Good
Atrendance: 184/187
Comments: Hui Yi has shown high commitments in whatever tasks she is being assigned
to. She displays a strong power of observation and does not hesitate to seek clarification where necessary. She takes on duties and tasks with enthusiasm and seeks continuous improvement. She often displays vitality in performing her tasks and can be entrusted by teachers to carry out her work effectively. Hui Yi has made vast improvements in her academic studies and it is indeed commendable. She is also selected to represent Siglap to go for the Beijing exchange program and KL Band Festival this year.
Went and cut my hair today together with Mummy.
Met Daddy after that for dinner. I'm feeling sleepy and lazy now. :(

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