Saturday, October 24, 2009


-Extreme mental or emotional disturbance.

The above word best suits me for the past hours. Luckily, I'm done with I&R 2nd draft. Hopefully, it is better than the first draft.

So, having a fresh and clear mind now, I shall dwell upon what to write for this post. After which, I'll drown myself with OP script (yes I'm slow).


Alright you see, my life's pretty mundane with regards to the hectic-but-I-like lifestyle right now. Have been using up all my brain cells for stuffs, whether necessary or unnecessary, you decide. Now, I've got to brainstorm on what to write here resulting in a total of 246843568943 x 10E15 brain cells altogether! Everybody say "AW MAN!" with me!

Oh yes, went for a complimentary aerobics lesson @ Amore yesterday. Haha, couldn't catch up at the end when I was so exhausted from the lack of exercise (obviously) and the skipped-lunch 'diet' thing.

Anyway, Darren just email-ed me a file with recorded voices for our OP Introduction. It turned out to be extremely hilarious! I was laughing out loud throughout.

Here's some of the recorded clips.
Sorry Darren, it's such a waste not to share them!

Opps, I spelled Featuring wrongly. Hehe.

Oh yes, missed the SL course today! =(((((((((( I wanted to go so badly. Sigh...

Till then.

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