Monday, May 04, 2009

Final countdown.

Persevere is key.
(Haha, sounds very familiar ain't it?)

Anyway, school today was average. Just that Band ended at 9.40pm, absolute madness I know.
Had my Chem test at the library today and let's just pray hard I can pass cause remember, I failed my previous CA? Oh, and Physics CA is coming up this Thurs. Hell.

I was supposed to participate in Fitness 100 under the Inclined Pull-Up category but due to my make-up test, Kit Yee replaced me. & I heard she did 50 pull-ups in 100secs, 90 sit-ups in 100secs and lastly, the most hardcore one, 12 sets of GST a.k.a Grand Stand Torture.
She's one strong woman!

Photo on demand:

Most of the girls of 1T17.

&& "Take a look at my sexy back!"

Ok, I need more sleep.

P.S: I totally abhor PE now, don't ask me why.

Till then.

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